Project Details
The City of Arcadia was awarded a Community Development Block Grant – Mitigation funds to implement the Arcadia Stormwater and Flood Control Project. The City of Arcadia encompasses approximately 4.0 square miles within the Peace River Watershed. The project area covers approximately 5,258 acres along the west side of the Peace River in DeSoto County. The city currently does not have a stormwater system in the downtown area. The purpose of this project is to alleviate flooding in the City of Arcadia by making improvements to the City’s historic drainage ditch, widening the ditch, upsizing many roadways cross drains, and constructing a new outfall to the Peace River.
EAP provided planning and environmental services for the channel widening of the Peace River Tributary E (Jordan Branch) for the City of Arcadia. Seventeen (17) culverts along the channel and outfall to the Peace River were evaluated and upgraded. The project services include project management; grant management; coordination with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity; utility coordination; public involvement; design; right-of-way and easement requirements; permitting; surveying; environmental services; and NEPA documentation.
Professional Services Provided
Project Manager
Roger Menendez