Project Details
The Toronto Blue Jays Player Development Complex is an approximately 65-acre property on Solon Avenue in Dunedin, Florida, that is shared with the City of Dunedin. The complex had five Minor League playing fields serving the Toronto Blue Jays, three City-owned softball fields for their Parks program, a Jai Alai court, a dog park, and a small parking area located in the north-west corner of the property.
The project involved the demolition and reconstruction of two of the minor league playing fields and the demolition of five of the remaining fields, with a single field located in the southwest corner of the property remaining untouched. In the area where the five fields were being removed, the Toronto Blue Jays constructed a new 95,000 SF Player Development Complex addition and parking lot that can accommodate 250 cars as well as several busses that will serve visiting teams that use the property for Minor League Baseball and Spring Training baseball games. Two new major league fields and two new Minor League fields have been constructed. Two half-size playing fields, indoor batting tunnels, an agility hill, and an agility field were constructed as part of this project. New field underdrains have been designed for each of the major league playing fields to provide surface drainage in accordance with Major League Baseball Standards. One of the major league fields is natural turf, while the other is synthetic field turf. Due to the expansion of the project limits, existing wetlands located in the northeast corner of the property were impacted by the construction of a new Major League playing field.
The City of Dunedin has underground utilities located in the area that were relocated as part of this project. There is an existing water main serving the subdivision to the east of the property, as well as a domestic raw water line that run in the middle of the project. Both of these lines were relocated out of the building footprint so that service could continue. Likewise, a portion of an existing sanitary sewer main that runs the length of the proerty was relocated in order to avoid impacts with new buildings that are being constructed on the property. GFY brought this project online on time and under budget.
Professional Services Provided
Project Partners
Project Manager – Civil Engineering
Tim Rankin, PE

Project Manager – Ecology
Roger Menendez