Orlando Health® Bayfront Hospital Emergency Entrance/

Orlando Health® Bayfront Hospital Emergency Entrance


Project Details

GFY provided civil engineering design services to expand the ambulance drop-off area for the the emergency department at Orlando Health – Bayfront Health. The expansion allows for four lanes of ambulances to provide drop-off services at one time. A new canopy and retaining wall are also part of the design. The project required a vacation of approximately 20 feet of right-of-way along 6th Avenue South. As part of this right-of-way vacation, a 16-inch City of St. Petersburg water main and a TECO Gas line had to be relocated. During the design, the City of St. Petersburg provided design plans for a proposed bicycle and pedestrian path that would be impacted with this construction. GFY coordinated with the City and their consultant for changes to the bicycle path. Maintenance of Traffic plans were created to maintain access to the Emergency Department through all phases of construction. Extensive coordination with the City engineering, legal, and zoning departments was required to permit this project successfully.

The existing stormwater system was modified and permitted with SWFWMD. Existing facilities within the right-of-way required permitting (and a minor easement agreement) with the City of St. Petersburg.

Professional Services Provided

Civil Engineering

Project Partners

HDR Architecture and Turner Construction Company
Clients: HDR Architecture
Location: St. Petersburg, FL
Date: June 16, 2022

Project Manager

Tim Rankin, PE