Project Details
EAP Inc. provided expert environmental services on the proposed development for the Tunnel to Towers (T2T) US Veterans’ Foundation in Bradenton. The T2T Foundation honors the firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice to save others on September 11, 2001, and military and first responders who continue to make the supreme sacrifice for our country. The Foundation is committed to ensuring we never forget 9/11, and the sacrifices made by our first responders and military personnel.
A preliminary environmental assessment was performed on the existing Manatee County facility for the T2T Foundation. The investigation included field reconnaissance and site review, as well as an evaluation of the subject property’s potential wetlands, protected species, contamination, and cultural resources. In addition, EAP, Inc. reviewed potential SWFWMD permitting issues regarding the proposed development of the property. EAP will assist with environmental permitting and monitoring eagles’ nest adjacent to the project site during construction to prevent any impacts to the eagles and their fledglings.
Professional Services Provided
Project Partners
Project Manager
Roger Menendez